When it comes to anxiety there are many methods that are used to help reduce symptoms and deter an anxiety attack. Some common therapeutic strategies are: cognitive behavior therapy techniques, Linden techniques, distractions and diversions. All...
Ask yourself these basic questions to determine if you are addicted to an activity or substance. Experts believed for many years that only alcohol, prescription medications and illegal drugs could cause addiction, but recent neuroscience research have shown that many activities can also take over the brain and become an addiction....
Looking at pornography blinds us to the presence of God in human beings by training us to focus on their body parts, dehumanizing them....
The impact of addiction -albeit an addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, pornography, Internet, affairs- are equally as damaging to the loved one as they are to the addicted one....
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them." Genesis 1:27-28a So began the first marriage, because, it was "not good for the man to be alone." As...
I want to share something with you. First a word of warning; what I am about to share will seem almost too simple. So, it's likely that you might be tempted to reject it. It is not a new idea but as old as the human race. However,...
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that commonly occurs during the winter and the seasonal symptoms of low energy and moodiness can take its toll....
Christmas is a time that truly reveals our humanity. It is a celebration of Christ entering our human experience, which does not simply refer to God becoming man; rather He really enters into our humanity with all its beauty, ordinariness, occasional...
The palpable pain of those suffering grief can be so intense that it can be overwhelming and confusing to know how we should behave or what to say in such situations to be helpful. How can we show support and caring to those who are grieving when we feel awkward and at a loss for words?...
Posted by Dana Nygaard, MA, LPC