A recent college graduate desires to start a family, but experiences rejection after rejection in relationships. She sees her friends getting married and having children, while she seems so far behind. Is something wrong with her? A...
The secular world in which we live is soaked in negativity. We are continually assaulted by negative messages that are discouraging and they condition us to see our glass perpetually empty and never full. As a result, we become very self-absorbed....
The fields of psychology and traditional psychotherapy are often traced back to the works of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalytical methods. Actually, long before Freud, philosophers and scholars have addressed the needs of those suffering from mental...
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that commonly occurs during the winter and the seasonal symptoms of low energy and moodiness can take its toll....
Facebook has this nifty feature in which you can view what happened in the past on that very day. Often I've forgotten what happened 6 or 7 years ago, sometimes even a year ago. Sometimes I laugh, but on one particular day of the summer, my memories...