"Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage..." This old time song is as true today as ever, and we now have a deeper understanding from both Scripture and science of how love and marriage "dance" together and how to restore...
Our Catholic faith teaches us that marriage is a Sacrament, meaning that there is actual grace in a Sacramental marriage. This grace is what assists husbands and wives to live out marriage joyfully, sacrificially, and lovingly. However, we...
So, you have discerned that you are called to married life. Now what? Sit and wait for the Lord to place someone on your door step? After all, you have done the hard work of discernment, you were obedient to the inspirations that the...
Spring to Summer is such a great time of the year to see that "love is in the air." It is the season of Weddings, Bridal Showers and Baby Showers. I merely look out my living room window and I see couples walking, riding bikes and pushing...
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them." Genesis 1:27-28a So began the first marriage, because, it was "not good for the man to be alone." As...