"Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage..." This old time song is as true today as ever, and we now have a deeper understanding from both Scripture and science of how love and marriage "dance" together and how to restore...
Whether you’re in a pre-marital relationship or marriage, when your relationship works, it's amazing. Everything feels easier in life and you're full of energy and excitement. You feel supported and nurtured, as if nothing could knock...
Christmas is a time that truly reveals our humanity. It is a celebration of Christ entering our human experience, which does not simply refer to God becoming man; rather He really enters into our humanity with all its beauty, ordinariness, occasional...
Don’t miss out on happiness, success, joy, fun, shared meaning, peace, humor, deeper faith, and love. Learn to communicate more effectively. Communication is a skill that can be learned. If you work at it you can rapidly improve every area of your...