As a Psychologist, I work with Adult Individuals, Adolescents, Couples, and Families experiencing a variety of physical, emotional relational, and mental health issues such as trauma, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, and dealing with illness.
I also include an integration of authentic Catholic doctrine and tradition including St John Paul II's Theology of the Body and Ignatian Spiritual Direction. My emphasis in working with my clients is to create awareness and reverence of the dignity of the human person as a whole mind, body, and soul thus helping individuals to develop an awareness of themselves, their relationships, and how they can live open and true to themselves in the midst of their life challenges including relationships and illness.
I am licensed to practice in New Jersey. As per New Jersey Licensing Board requirements - anyone interested in working with me from out of state would need to be present in person at my office in New Jersey - and anyone wishing to work with me via telehealth must be living in New Jersey.