You don't have to be experiencing a breakdown to benefit from therapy. Perhaps you're reeling from a recent loss, strained relationship, or problems that you can't fix. Maybe you're just scrambling to keep up day to day, and find yourself feeling dissatisfied and frazzled, or sad and lonely. Your thoughts spin as you worry about what seems insurmountable, and you feel discouraged that you're not "enough", that you are not measuring up to what God expects of you.
As a Catholic, chances are, you’ve consulted your priest and read inspirational books seeking answers to your problems. Yet you’re still on edge, feeling preoccupied and trapped. You decide it’s time to see a therapist who can help you process what’s going on and who understands the nuances of living as a Catholic in the world. Through our interactions in therapy, you may discover a shift in perspective or a pivot in approach which allows for an important next step. Together we explore ways for you to cope, integrating faith into the process. You can be emboldened by useful feedback, armed with effective tools for managing, alleviated of constant worry, and encouraged that you can live an abundant life. Contact me if you want to learn more!
I am a trauma-informed clinical social worker working as a therapist in solo private practice. In therapy, I use a variety of approaches to help clients explore what brings them to therapy. This is a client-driven process, meaning I take what clients bring at face value. If a client wants to spend many sessions recounting their painful childhood and how that impacts their life now, we will do that. Other clients have more immediate needs, like problem-solving next steps regarding a crisis. Clients have appreciated my perspective and how ideas that I offer cause them to say, "I never thought of it that way."
Along with offering different perspectives, I urge clients to pay attention to their bodies. Is the heart racing, chest tightening, muscles tensing, or head feeling heavy? Promoting body awareness and providing education on ways to calm oneself, I seek to help clients live in the bodies they inhabit even while going through difficulties. Often times, clients beat themselves up for feeling depressed or anxious, saying, "Ugh! I shouldn't be feeling this way.", "I should be happy! I am living my faith, doing the right things."
I encourage clients to be compassionate with themselves, to allow themselves to be completely human with all of the imperfection, while urging them to draw on their strength to persevere through the struggles. Together, clients and I find particular strengths they can harness in the context of their faith to continue moving forward, coping appropriately.
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