Don’t miss out on happiness, success, joy, fun, shared meaning, peace, humor, deeper faith, and love. Learn to communicate more effectively. Communication is a skill that can be learned. If you work at it you can rapidly improve every area of your...
In my work as a therapist, I see many men for a variety of reasons, but one comes up most frequently - parenting problems. Too many men are feeling powerless in dealing with their family issues. Many of these men are successful in their jobs. They are...
Contemporary society is in a constant state of discontent. Our culture and the media unapologetically disseminates the message that the current state of things is never good enough: happiness is always just one more quick-fix away, the grass is always...
Not infrequently in the initial stages of therapy, individuals comment that they are overly codependent. However one defines codependency (there are countless books and articles on the subject) with the main experiences as the following: difficulty establishing...